ONLY GOD CAN Think about these things. Can someone dead exert any cure or strength to make themselves live again? Can a deaf person make themselves hear again? Is a blind person able to restore their own sight? Can someone with Leprosy heal the disease and restore their nerve endings so they can feel again? Can a person overcome by and possessed by a demon exorcise themselves? The obvious answer is “No” to all the above. Sin and death entered the world by Adam’s and Eve’s choosing to believe the satanic lie that we do not need God to be fully human and to flourish. All the brokenness, sickness, despair, hatred, envy, strife, and war that is endemic in humanity began to rule in the world. Everything was marred, even creation has been stunted and cut off from what it was meant to be. The reality is that, without Jesus Christ living His life in you, you are spiritually dead. You cannot change the fact that you are separated from Life Himself. There is a desperation in every he...